Day 8 The final Stage of the Game
Day 8 was the day we had to pack up our things from Camp to move to the next one and I missed the open Camp compared to the newest one. The new campsite was within the Woods and it gets really dark quickly but the weather is just very cold. So, we just have to have to layer some extra clothes on ourselves. That's not much of a hassle in my opinion.
I had a very bad day of bladder problems, I literally wanted to go to the bathroom almost every second of the day I don't know why it happened. But it took us a while to get to the new camp it was a pretty peaceful site to see not much of a problem at all the only thing I could complain about it is the bathroom those cartoons type typical ones that you'll see in a cartoon it just needed a crescent moon there but what are you going to do. At least you have a place to go to the bathroom, but still, there was a whole bunch of mosquitoes near it could the lake whatever you can call Creek near the entrance of the camp.
I had my own section where I can't because I didn't want to walk another quarter mile to change in color or how shiny it is then a new camp was good it was open enough for you could see far and not overly crowded with Darkness. The other problem I have completely right off the bat was the uneven ground. I felt like I was going to break my ankles each time I stepped there but I overall it and it was set up at night.
I had a hard time because it was just really cold compared to the last climate change when we were in the last Camp it was quite hot but now it was like almost freezing cold so the extra layer of clothing for protection so I was going to sleep and then I heard one of my classmates going to the bathroom but I grabbed something grab something as a weapon to protect myself and waited until I get attacked and counter it but nothing happened. I was just worried for nothing paranoia to be really strong during the night.
That's all I can say for this day's blog I hope all of you have a good day.
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