The Final Post
It's the final post Daylily conveniences or somewhat being more relied than most I'm not going to lie to you I miss the time I could just go to the kitchen and get clean water now we just don't need to waste any bit of water because we are on limit water we could use but I also learned that sometimes you need to be uncomfortable to do a job in environmental science or to be uncomfortable to get a new experience and a different field I learned that every single place has community every single place is trying to change something any organization can't be an organization without a goal a place won't be a place to live unless there is people that like to take care of it or living beings that will take care of the area.
Because the smallest animal will help out a large range of horses shown repeatedly through history how volcanoes erupt and animals slowly recover the forest by eating plants or seeds and later pooping them out and regrowing the forest. but as people, we have more control to help out more of the area we have the responsibility whenever we cut down a tree to plant more than one to replace it and when there's an area that used to be populated with a certain species of animals we have the knowledge and skills to learn to bring them back if there is a plant that grows and we don't know anything about it we could have the time and resources to learn about it and we have the necessary skills to teach each other to learn from the past on how the Earth changes and we change with it.
I learned that going through every field or assignment that was in the trip with people you go grow close to if you don't talk to them that much either way and maybe a little bumpy in the beginning trying to talk to people but you eventually get used to them you start enjoying the uncomfortable of the outside and start thinking of it as a more natural thing and I did get comfortable.
I adapted to sleeping in the cold and warm it was slight of a shark sleep finally getting home Sleeping on a bed and not worrying because of the temperature slowly going up or down made me appreciate the convenience of Modern Life more and appreciate people's kindness if it's not directed to me but to the environments around us.
This is my final post. All of you stay nice and carry with each other you have a good day and life.
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